Sunday, March 20, 2011

If I'm a carrier, what can be done to protect my unborn baby?

When you go for your booking visit, your doctor will take some blood to test for hepatitis B. If it shows that you are a carrier, you may be referred to a specialist for advice about diet and alcohol. Since chronic carriers are at risk of liver disease, you should continue to receive follow-up appointments after you have given birth to check on your state of health.

Your baby will be washed thoroughly after he is born to remove all traces of your blood and he will then be treated immediately with hepatitis B vaccine. These precautions almost always prevent the infection from being passed to your baby. If he is not treated, your baby may go on to develop serious liver disease.

There is no risk to your baby from breastfeeding providing he has been given the hepatitis B vaccine. Malaysia is amongst the first few countries in this region to offer free vaccination against hepatitis B for all newborns since 1989.

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