Monday, February 14, 2011

cold shower good for health

im just having my shower this morning with cold water, suddenly i got an idea to find the benefit of this cold water.The first time when the cold water touching to my body, feels like to jumping constantly.hehe
Nobody can deny that a cold shower is stimulating. It may be shocking, and at times uncomfortable, but a good cold shower may have more to offer you than a swift wake-up call. Cold showers stimulate the circulation, help the body rid itself of toxins, and can even promote energy and a sense of well-being.Last time,my local radio does inform that about the cold shower good for health.

Therefore, i try to find the reasons people says that. After wear my shirts and pants i try to look up for the idea.
Here there are :
1)    The reason for this is the shocking effect a cold shower has on the system. It sets the heart pumping, pushing oxygen and blood throughout the body at a higher rate. It contracts the muscles, which then take in fresh blood and release toxins. It stimulates circulation to all areas of the body.
2)     It also prompts a release of chemicals from your brain, waking you up. Once you are out of the shower, the increased circulation of oxygen in your body should give you a sense of calm and well-being. 3)3)     Cold showers may help people with anxiety issues or who suffer panic attacks, although very little research has been done in this area so far.

To be continue, i need to prepare to go to my office. Until next writing. Da

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