Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risks

Cardiovascular disease risks are effected in over 81 thousand people in American. 425, 425 deaths have been linked to coronary heart disease. Cardiovascular diseases can be made up of high blood pressure, coronary disease, stroke, and health failure. 40 percent of deaths are due to heart diseases. Block blood vessels that go to your heart contribute to heart problems and cardiovascular diseases. A build up of fatty plaques in your arteries contribute to heart problems. Arteries carry blood from your heart. Those with high cholesterol tend to have hearth problems, or at higher risk.

To understand cardiovascular disease, you need to realize the things that contribute to heart problems. Stress, bad diet, hygiene, lack of exercise, and over all poor health will contribute to cardiovascular diseases. Especially as you get older, your heart tends to weaken as an organ. There are very easy and effective ways to reduce cardiovascular diseases. It's important that you take more of an effort to do so, because the risks are quite high. Poor health, diet, and lifestyle can contribute to heart problems.


  1. Replace the fats you eat. A lot of the fats you eat can either contribute, or help reduce heart problems. The Mediterranean diet consists highly of monounsaturated fats, that can reduce cardiovascular diseases. It's one of the purposes, to focus more on the healthy fats that we should consume in our diet. You want to eliminate the saturated fats you eat. You'd like to get more polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats into your diet instead. Eating more fish oils can reduce your risk on cardiovascular disease as well. Lean meats, instead of high saturated fats. You should not eat a lot of red meats. Eat more vegetables, and fruits.
  2. Drink red wine moderately. A lot of the European culture tend to eat foods high in saturated fat, yet still have less cardiovascular diseases than Americans. Why? Well, they drink a high amount of red wine. Drinking 1-2 glasses of red wine a day can contribute to reducing heart diseases. The resveratrol found in red grape skins are anti-aging. They reduce cholesterol, promote good heart health. You can find resveratrol in white wines, but much higher in red wines.

    I would not recommended becoming an alcoholic, and drinking excessively. Drinking a high amount of alcohol is very bad for your cardiovascular health. You don't have to drink red wine, just to get the benefits of resveratrol. Red grapes and peanuts contain resveratrol in them. Taking resveratrol supplements contain a higher amount.
  3. Workout. Get into shape, because obesity is linked to cardiovascular disease. High blood pressure is one of the leading causes to poor heart health. You need to also watch your intake of sodium, which will lead to high blood pressure. Anyway, staying active and losing weight will help you reduce cardiovascular disease. Exercise can improve your mood and relieve stress. Too much stress can cause cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Use health supplements. You should consult with your doctor, if you're taking any medications. A lot of supplements can contribute to improved cardiovascular disease. Taking omega-3 fish oils contribute to improved heart health. You should drink more green tea, a powerful antioxidant drink that's used in the Asian culture.

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