Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How to determine what vitamin our body needs

Our bodies need a certain amount of vitamins and minerals to function. Many people wonder if they need to be taking a supplement because they are concerned that they are not getting the recommended daily amounts of vitamins and minerals. In most cases, healthy eaters are getting the right amounts of vitamins and minerals. For pregnant women and elderly people, a supplement (such as a multivitamin) is not a bad idea, because the needed amount of these vitamins increases.

There are two types of vitamins: fat-soluble and water-soluble.

 The fat-soluble vitamins are A, D, and E, and these are stored and moved around in fat. These are not needed every day because they stay in your body longer.

The water-soluble vitamins are B and C. These vitamins you do need every day, because the excess is passed through your urine, not stored.

As said before, a balanced diet will include all of these vitamins, and following is a list of foods you can find them in.
 To be continue.

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