Monday, April 18, 2011

Eat to Stay Slim and Trim

Are you gaining weight and can’t figure out why? Maybe you are eating too much or if that isn’t it, eating foods with artificial sweeteners. If that’s the case it could be the root of your problem. Research shows that those who regularly have diet drinks tend to gain weight and develop metabolic syndrome, a condition that includes having excess belly fat, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and insulin resistance. One reason is, taste signals how many calories are in a particular food and lets you know when you have had enough. With diet foods, which have no calories, your body can’t determine how much you need to eat. Therefore you are still hungry for high calorie food.

The French have a very low count of obesity and they say they stop eating when they are full. In the U.S. people tend to eat the food in front of them and often take seconds. In other words most Americans stuff themselves and eat until they can’t hold any more. Avoid that mistake by using smaller plates. Take smaller servings and don’t go back for seconds. Take a break in the middle of your meal and think about whether you are full or need more. Don’t eat mindlessly.

As you lose weight your body needs fewer calories. Every time you lose a few pounds check to see how many calories you need to continue to lose weight. Also take a look at what you are eating and see if you could exchange it for a larger serving with fewer calories. Eat high fiber fruit and vegetable and less white carbs. Avoid high sugary snacks at all costs. They are digested quickly and produce insulin, which leads to weight gain.

Stick to complex carbs, which means vegetables, fruits, whole grain and monounsaturated fats, found in fish,nuts, canola oil, olive oil,and avocado. Leave off saturated fat found in ice cream, butter and mayonnaise. You can have whole wheat pasta but limit it to no more than three moderate servings a week. You can add lots of veggies to make it look bigger.

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