Sunday, April 10, 2011

Six Surprisingly Untold Cancer Inducing Group of Foods

An appropriate food combination is vital for optimum digestion and better assimilation of the nutrients by your body. Incorrect food combinations can retard digestion, making digestion difficult. Some combinations or groups of foods may surprisingly cause the formation of carcinogenic or harmful substances in the body.

Cow Milk and Chocolate

The combination of cow milk and chocolate is not compatible as it may cause diarrhea. The milk alone is rich in both calcium and protein, while chocolate contains oxalic acid. If these two mixtures of food are eaten, the calcium content in the milk will combine with oxalic acid found in chocolate forming calcium oxalate that cannot dissolve in water. After the consumption of these two, it is not only that they cannot be assimilated by your body, but also they can cause dry hair and other symptoms which can interfere with human growth.

Carrots/Radishes and Oranges

Carrots/radishes and oranges make improper food combinations as they may indulge goiter. Since radishes or carrot may produce an anti-thyroid substance called thiocyanate, and at the same time when fruits like oranges, apples and grapes are eaten in large quantity, the flavonoids from the fruits will be decomposed by the bacteria to form thiocyanate in the intestine which is a known substance to inhibit the thyroid function and simultaneously induce goiter.

Ham and Yogurt

When ham is eaten with yogurt, it can cause cancer. Those who eat sandwiches together with yogurt or any lactic acid drinks for breakfast need to take care. Ham when eaten for breakfast together in a sandwich, bacon and yogurt all contain organic acids which are carcinogenic when consumed. In order to preserve the storage of sausage, ham, bacon and other processed meat products, food manufacturers will normally add nitrate to prevent the growth of Clostridium botulinum and also to prevent food spoilage. When nitrate meets with other organic acids which are present in lactic acid, citric acid, malic acid and tartaric acid, it will be converted into a carcinogenic substance called nitrosamines. Therefore, you are not encouraged to take these processed meats regularly as they increase the risk of cancer.

Fruits and Seafood

It is not easy to be assimilated by the body if fruits and seafood are eaten at the same time. If, at the same time, you eat hawthorn, pomegranates, persimmons, and grapes, you may experience abdominal pain, diarrhea, abdominal distension and vomiting. This is due to the fact that fruits contain tannic acid, and when it meets protein content in the seafood products causing the formation of solidified substance that sink and are not easily digested by your body. After eating seafood, you should wait for 4 hours prior to consuming any type of these fruits.

Spinach and Tofu

Spinach should not be taken together with tofu. Tofu contains two chemical substances, namely magnesium chloride and calcium sulfate, while spinach contains oxalic acid. The combination food of these two can lead to the formation of magnesium and calcium oxalate acid. These two white substances cannot be easily assimilated by the human body and thus it causes the absorption of calcium and it may even promote stone formations in the body.

Seafood and Beer

You are strictly discouraged to take seafood and beer together as this may induce gout. Seafood contains two substances of purine and nucleotide while beer is enriched with vital catalyst of vitamin B1 which can decompose these two substances. When you eat seafood with beer, it may stimulate the formation of harmful substances in your body causing the rise of uric acid level in your blood. This in turns will lead to the formation of stone(s) in your urinary tract which is (are) hard to flush out of body. If you are experiencing metabolic problems, eating seafood together with beer may give sharp rise to your uric acid in your blood indulging gout, and sometimes it may even cause gouty nephropathy and gouty arthritis.

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